History was
made in Wisconsin on 1 December 2009 as, with his signature, Governor Doyle
turned AB-250, the Dog Breeders Licensure Bill, into the ground-breaking
S.173.41, Wis. Stats., Dog Breeders and Sellers
2009 WISCONSIN ACT 90 (pdf)
WISCONSIN, for doing undercover investigations, authoring articles, sending
photographs, circulating and signing petitions, protesting in rain and snow and
hot sun, raising funds and donating services, helping get the word out about
puppymills and lending moral support when we suffered setbacks. Thank you for
your thousands of emails, letters, and phone calls to your legislators, letting
them know that puppymills are NOT OK with YOU!
And to our
legislators -- THANK YOU for listening, for hammering out a workable bill that
addressed the concerns of all factions, and for your unswerving support to make
this bill a law.
For a little
while, "philosophical differences" were put aside as ALL animal
lovers in Wisconsin worked together to make this 12-year-long dream for dogs a
This section
of our website details the history of AB-250/SB-208, from concept to Gov.
Doyle's signing. Please use the links on the left to learn, in detail,
"how we did it."
NOTE: Act 90/
S.173.41 outlines the facts of the law, but it is the Administrative Rules that
make the law enforceable. The Administrative Rules defines the details of
Standards of Care, how licensing will work, etc. Please see our
Rules section for that process, including texts and summaries of the final