History was
made in Wisconsin on 1 December 2009 as, with his signature, Governor Doyle
turned AB-250, the Dog Breeders Licensure Bill, into the ground-breaking
2009 Wisconsin Act 90 (later
incorporated into Wisconsin Statues as S.173.41).
Act 90/
S.173.41 outlines the facts of the law, but it is the Administrative Rules that
make the law enforceable. The Administrative Rules defines the details of
Standards of Care, how licensing will work, etc. This section of our website
follows the Administrative Rules process, from the formation of the Dog
Seller's Advisory Committee (which included members representing ALL groups who
would be subject to licensing, as specified in Act 90) through their meetings
and recommendations and the Public Hearing Process, to the final ATCP 16
administrative rules document.
Please use
the links on the left to follow the process in detail.