Pet Store, Pewaukee, WI, 10 Feb 09: The pup lies on bare wire in a
brightly-lit, plexiglass-fronted cube scarcely large enough for him to turn
around in. See that little circle in the wall with the pipe sticking through?
That's attached to a rabbit-style water bottle -- we can't tell whether it's
full or empty, and who has taught the pup how to drink out of it? He has no
toys, no mat, no blankie; no treats or chewies or food bowl in evidence. No
place to play, nothing to do all day but lie there. This little
"puggle's" eyes say it all.
OK, says the Petland website, because this is a "state of the
art" puppy-selling facility -- and "Petlands custom-designed
kennels are larger in all dimensions than recommended by the United States
Department of Agriculture."
At a news
conference on 20 November 2008, the Humane Society of the United States
announced the result of an eight-month investigation into Petland Pet Stores.
This investigation graphically documents what we have known all along: even
though management will deny it, the vast majority of puppies sold in pet stores
-- not just Petland, but ALL pet stores -- are bred in puppy mills!
Read the original
2008 HSUS Investigation Linking Petland to Puppy
Petland: The HSUS Investigations Timeline/ Links, 2008 - 2010
Look again at the
cube this pup lives in, and remember the statement that this exceeds
USDA recommendations. Can you imagine, then, what the USDA approves for his
parents, back in the "licensed breeding facilities?" Can you imagine
the hopelessness and despair in their eyes?
In this section,
we'd like to show you why we support pet store protests, -- though photos and
stories sent to us by visitors to our site, of their experiences with pet store
pets, and through "undercover" visits by anti-puppy mill volunteers.
Please note: Most
pet sellers in Wisconsin are now regulated by Act
90/s.173.41, the WI Dog Seller Program, as are most commercial dog
breeders. Even so, many dog sellers, such as Petland, are still importing puppy
mill dogs for sale from other states. PLEASE, NEVER buy a puppy from a pet
If you have
personally encountered any problems at a Petland (or with any other Wisconsin
dog seller), please see our How To File a
Complaint With the WI Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer
Protection page.
"...if one person is unkind to an animal, it is
considered to be cruelty, but where a lot of people are unkind to animals,
especially in the name of commerce, the cruelty is condoned and, once sums of
money are at stake, will be defended to the last by otherwise intelligent
people." -- Ruth Harrison
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© Copyright, 2009. The Wisconsin Puppy MIll Project
P.O. Box 926 * Sheboygan, WI
53082-0926 * info@NoWisconsinPuppyMills.com
© Copyright, 2009, by F. Menish. Used by permission
Website design by
Hook & Web