The first meeting of
the Dog Sellers Advisory Committee (DSAC) met on 21 April 2010. Below is a
summary of topics that were discussed, and what DASC recommendations were. For
more information on DSAC, please see our 2009 WI ACT 90 Administrative Rules Process:
How It Works page.
2009 WI ACT 90 Administrative Rules Process:
How It Works 
4/21/10 DSAC
Recommendations, Printer-friendly version (pdf) 
Please note:
We thank The Wisconsin Independent Breeders Network (WIB-Net) for setting up a
discussion forum for the Administrative Rules Process and inviting us to leave
comments. However, the WIB-Net Discussion Forum is now closed.
License Renewal Time Frame:
Recommendation: The
committee felt a fall (Sept/Oct) renewal of licensure would not be problematic
for the industry.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Posting of License in licensed premises:
a. What if this is not the
premises where dogs are purchased i.e. purchased on the internet.
Recommendation: DATCP License number should be stated in the
advertisement for sale.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Foster Care providers for more than one dog:
The statute
creates an exemption from regulation for foster care providers who, at the
request of Animal Shelter, are providing care for a dog.
a. Issue is how they fit if they
foster more than one dog for an Animal Shelter.
Recommendation: The
department should carefully review the definitions and provide extensive
education to all groups that utilize foster care for dogs. This is particularly
relevant to the Rescues that may house and distribute the dogs, but they do not
ever have legal ownership of the dogs.
Ownership is retained
by the Parent Rescue organization.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Dogs brought in from other states to shelter where ownership; or
sale is a question:
a. Brought in by
a person who does not own them to be given to shelters.
b. Would these shelters be regarded as Out of State Dealers
c. Under record keeping a CVI of a dog brought in from out of state is required
to be kept.
Recommendation: The
department should consider if these entities are subject to regulation under
the definition of dog dealer. To be a dog dealer they must sell 25+ dogs in WI,
it is unclear if these animals are sold to the WI shelter from the
out of state shelter, or simply given.
Committee members
would like more information on this topic.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Record keeping forms or checklists provided by the department:
Recommendation: The
department should create these and have them available, online and in hard
copy, to be provided to licensed entities to assist them in their record
keeping. (USDA APHIS has a checklist) However the use of this checklist
should not be mandated as some entities already have invested record keeping
methods that work for them.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Provide a complete Record (all records required under the rule) regarding the
dog to be provided to the purchaser of the dog:
If the dog did not originate from the place of sale, this
information should be considered for inclusion on the CVI. (CVI content to be
discussed at a later meeting.)
Department should
provide education to the consumer that these records are required to be kept by
the licensed facility and the licensed facility should be able to make them
readily available upon request.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Inspection Results:
a. Posted:
Online and/or on the premises
Recommendation: The
department should post all licenses entities on-line; they should also make
their inspection reports available. The most recent inspection report should be
posted at the licensed premises.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Licensed expired after violation and then left for a year and then reapplied
for in the following year will the violation history should be retained:
Recommendation: The
department should ensure that the history on a legal entity is carried forward,
regardless of the lapse in active licensure.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Rescue Groups who is responsible for obtaining the license:
Recommendation: The
department needs to make it clear that it is the entity that has ownership of
the dogs that the sales count against, that entity if they sell more than 25,
must be licensed.
21 April 10 DSAC Meeting Recommendations, Printer-friendly
version (pdf) 
Dog Sellers Standards of Care
(pdf) Certificate of
Veterinarian Inspection (CVI) & Age of Transfer
Standards of Care Examples from Other
2009 WISCONSIN ACT 90 (pdf) 2009 WI 90 Administrative Rules Process
2009 WI
Act 90 Administrative Rules Process: How It Works 
MEMO: Dog Foster Licensing under s.
173.41 Printer-friendly version
MEMO: Co-ownership of Dogs and Licensing Under s. 173.41
(pdf) Printer-friendly
version (pdf) 