protect both canine and human health in Wisconsin from the bacteria that causes
canine brucellosis, Dr. Paul McGraw, state veterinarian at the Wisconsin
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) has issued a
special order requiring that dogs that are not spayed or neutered and are
bought or obtained at an auction outside the state cannot be imported without
meeting new requirements.
brucellosis is on the rise in Wisconsin threatening the health of both dogs and
their owners, McGraw said. A significant source of infected dogs are
out-of-state dog auctions, where the large-scale sale and movement of untested
or known positive dogs often occurs.
The special
order prohibits the importing of a sexually intact dog into Wisconsin that has
been bought or obtained from an auction outside the state unless the dog has
been issued an import permit from the Department and has documented proof of a
negative brucellosis test within 30 days before import.
brucellosis is caused by a bacterium called Brucella canis. The bacteria cause
reproductive failure in dogs, particularly those kept in kennels for breeding
purposes, but can also cause a variety of other health problems that develop
later in life. The disease is found worldwide, but in the United States is most
frequently found in dogs from southern states.
of dogs are transported into Wisconsin from other states annually, in some
cases bringing the bacteria into previously uninfected facilities, McGraw
says. The disease is usually spread through contact with infected birthing
tissues and fluids, but can also be transmitted by contaminated objects such as
bedding, equipment, clothing or shoes. It can also be found in the milk, blood
and semen of infected dogs.
Humans can
become infected by direct contact or aerosol exposure to infected animals
fluids. In humans, the symptoms of Brucella infection include fever, headache,
weakness, chills and weight loss, and can result in significant health issues
if not properly diagnosed and treated. Dog handlers who experience these
symptoms should contact their healthcare provider.
breeders and dealers are encouraged to work with a veterinarian to develop
protocols for testing new animals and quarantining new animals added to their
facility. Dog owners should monitor their dogs for signs of the disease and
contact a veterinarian if present.
WI Dept. of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection
Special Order to Control Canine Brucellosis
Max the Boxer -- More about
Max the Boxer was purchased at the
March 10, 2007 dog auction in Thorp, WI. He was subsequently diagnosed with
Brucellosis. You can read the entire story
here. Be warned, though; this story
does NOT have a happy ending.