was made in Wisconsin today as, with his signature, Governor Doyle turned
AB-250, the Dog Breeders Licensure Bill, into the ground-breaking
Commercial Dog Breeders Licensure Law!
2009 WISCONSIN ACT 90 (pdf) 
Please join us in THANKING
Governor Doyle and each and every one of our WI Representatives!
Contacting Your WI Legislators 
From the bottom of our
hearts, we Thank you for all of your phone calls, letters,
emails, petitions, protests, and endless, undying support. Without your help,
our decade-long dream for dogs in Wisconsin would never have become a reality.
Sadly, one of our staunchest
supporters, Joyce Kitsemble, passed away on Tuesday. Being able to come to
Madison from her home in Wisconsin Rapids to witness Governor Doyle's signing
of AB-250 was one of Joyce's proudest moments.
Memoriam: Joyce Kitsemble 
you thought about what comes next for the puppy mill breeder dogs in Wisconsin?
WE have.
with this excellent law on the books, our work has just begun. Next comes the
arduous task of writing the Administrative Rules, which detail the specifics
for enforcement of the law -- things like basic definitions of food, shelter,
exercise, and other requirements. These specifics will be hammered out by a
committee of ALL stakeholders, including commercial breeders and pet stores, so
gaining a consensus will not always be easy.
will still be abuses; there will still be dogs needing our help. And, as those
millers who find regulation too "expensive" start shutting down,
there will be hundreds, possibly thousands of dogs, who will need vet care,
rehabilitation, interim housing, and new homes.
challenges, and more, still face us. Puppy mills and pet stores that sell
puppies will not disappear overnight -- let's take a moment to celebrate, then
roll up our sleeves and stride forward together to do what is necessary to make
these abuses a footnote in Wisconsin history!

Entire LRB 2448/2/ AB-250 (pdf) Summary of
History of AB -250 History of SB-208 FAQ 
Cosponsors Supporters Contacting Your WI Legislators 
Donation Options 