
Thorp Dog Auction Dog
Statistics page notes that several of the dogs purchased at the 10 March 07
auction either had no rabies vaccinations or were "imported" from
other states with no veterinary certificate of health. Some might view these
notations as "nitpicks" because rabies in dogs is now so uncommom --
a July 2007 canine rabies case is the first reported in Wisconsin since 2000.
However, such precautions are exactly the reason canine rabies is so rare! The
case mentioned above graphically illustrates how "nitpick" rules
might literally mean the difference between life and death for animals, and
uncomfortable rabies prevention measures for the humans who come in contact
with them.
What are the regulations? SImply put:
WI State law requires that all
dogs five months and older be vaccinated for rabies by a veterinarian and have
a certificate to prove it.
In general,
ALL animals coming in to the state of Wisconson must have a Certificate of
Veterinary Inspection. ATCP 10.80 Dogs and domestic cats; imports states:
(1) No person may import any dog or domestic cat into
this state unless it is accompanied by a valid certificate of veterinary
inspection. The certificate shall indicate all of the following: (a)
Whether the dog or cat has been vaccinated for rabies by a licensed
veterinarian. (b) The date on which the dog or cat was last vaccinated for
rabies. (c) The date on which the dog or cat is due to be re-vaccinated for
rabies." This regulation includes (but is not limited to):
- animals brought in for sale at auctions, swap meets, etc.
- animals ordered over the Internet or from other out-of-state sources
- pet animals being transported into the state by rescues
- new residents moving into the state with pets
- pets accompanying their owners to WI on vacation.
More about Certificates of Veterinary
What about that July 2007 case of canine rabies?
According to a 27 July 2007 DATCP press release, one dog transported from out
of state without the required Certificate of Veterinary Inspection was
diagnosed with rabies, and another may have died of it. Two more died because
they had contact with the infected dog(s) -- there is no way of testing for
rabies on live animals. Quoting the press release:
A Wisconsin resident brought the dogs to her home in St. Croix County from a
kennel in Minnesota July 12. On July 13, one dog became ill and was taken to a
veterinarian. It was subsequently euthanized and tested positive for rabies.
The second dog, although showing no symptoms, was then euthanized because of
potential exposure to rabies, but tested negative. A third dog in the group had
showed signs and died at the Minnesota kennel July 10 without being tested.
. . The rescuer is undergoing injections to prevent rabies. The veterinarian
and her assistant were vaccinated against rabies, but had to receive boosters.
Although none were bitten, all were exposed to saliva, which contains the
rabies-causing virus.
continues to be a public health and animal health concern in Wisconsin. This
dog was the 10th animal rabies case diagnosed in Wisconsin this year. The other
nine cases were in bats. Last year, we had 22 cases in animals -- 21 bats and 1
skunk," said Dr. James Kazmierczak, public health veterinarian with the
Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services.
Read entire DACTP Press Release
Please note that the though all of the dogs pictured on this page were sold at
the 10 March 07 Thorp Dog Auction with no proof of rabies vaccination and no
health certificates in the case of the out-of-state dogs, NONE of these dogs
has exhibited any signs of rabies, and all have since been vaccinated. However,
in light of the above, we can't help but think about what might have happened.
What is Rabies?
to the Center For Disease Control and Prevention website, "Rabies is a
preventable viral disease of mammals most often transmitted through the bite of
a rabid animal. The vast majority of rabies cases reported to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) each year occur in wild animals like
raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes. Domestic animals account for less than 10%
of the reported rabies cases, with cats, cattle, and dogs most often reported
bears repeating: incidences of canine rabies are very rare, due to laws
requiring vaccination of animals. The BEST thing you can do to protect your dog
and yourself is to be sure that his/her rabies vaccinations are up to date!
may be infected if they are bitten by other animals that have rabies -- most
frequently, wildlife including bats, skunks and raccoons. Anytime they are
exposed to saliva containing the virus, they may be infected. Humans can
contract it directly from a bite, or indirectly from saliva, if, for example,
an infected dog licks a scratch or open wound on the human's hand. The
incubation period can be anywhere from two weeks to four months or even longer.
virus infects the central nervous system. Symptoms in animals include fever,
behavioral changes (dog may become lethargic or extremely aggressive), and
excessive salivation. There is no treatment for the disease after the symptoms
become evident. Death usually occurs within days of the onset of symptoms.
For humans, an extremely effective
new rabies vaccine regimen provides immunity to rabies when administered
immediately after an exposure. In the US, human deaths from rabies are rare.
Read More About It:
Don't Buy The Lies: the Thorp Dog Auction, 10 Mar 07
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Article Copyright ©
2007, Michelle E. Crean. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
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