This sweet little guy is
Lazarus, a two-and-a-half-year old cairn terrier. Lazaraus is
"undocument," imported from Iowa for the sale with no certificate of
health as required by law.
Lazarus is so terrified of
people that he huddles behind his bed and tries to merge with the floor
whenever anyone approaches. His former owner should be very proud.
Says his shelter caretaker,
"Lazarus is the dog that concerns me the most! Im still not able to
vaccinate, heartworm test or collar him. Even throwing a towel over him sets
him off. He is going to be my personal project dog once the first wave of dogs
head up to our REBOUND program for socialization ." (See WGBA-TV's report
on the REBOUND program:
The Long Road to Recovery (5/17/07).)
For more information on
rehabilitating puppy mill survivors, please see:
Puppy Mill Survivors: A Guide to
Caring for Unsocialized Mill Dogs .
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