If signs
advertising back yard breeders and puppy millers make you angry, you might want
to make up some signs of your own to let your elected officials, local, state,
and federal, know that you support humane care standards and laws to protect
Read what other
states are doing to protect pets, and see if your state has pending legislation
listed. If so, contact your legislators, and thank them for supporting the
legislation or ask them to co-sponsor it. If not, contact your legislators and
ask them to consider bills such as (name other states) are working on, or to
sponsor ground-breaking legislation of their own. And if your legislator seems
to have a history of ignoring or voting against humane legislation,
respectfully state your displeasure and ask him why he has voted the way he
NOTE: In 2009, the Wisconsin State
Legislature unanimously passed Act 90, a law regulating dog breeders and
sellers in our state. Since Act 90/s.173.41, the WI Dog
Seller Program went into effect in June 2011, MANY breeders and sellers
have been regulated and have either given up the business OR have come into
compliance under ACT 90. (Read more about Act
90/s.173.41, the WI Dog Seller Program, here.
You might
courteously remind your elected officials that there are, indeed, 'More Pet
Lovers than Republicans or Democrats.'
Photo Album: Pet March On the WI State Capitol, 21 March 2003

Act 90/s.173.41, the WI Dog Seller