Our friend
Kim, "mom" to a rescued puppy mill pup who died before his third
birthday due to a hereditary liver disease, found a great way to combine
fund-raising with awareness-raising: a Garage Sale.
"Though we
didn't have a good turnout because of the rainy and cold weather, and
monetarily I can't say we did so well, we still feel that our garage sale was a
"We were able
to gain the interest of numerous people. After they looked at the displays,
watched the DVD and asked tons of questions, we were able to hand out lots of
informational brochures and flyers. Several people said, now that they knew
that puppy mills existed, they would do everything they could to help.
groups of people at a time stood in front of the television watching the
Bear's Story video playing ..... I sat and watched them to see their
reactions. No one walked away without saying that they had no idea that mills
even existed. It was these people that readily took all the info we could give
them and asked what they could do to help.
"I talked to
several people that had bought pups from pet stores. Most told me of health
problems that presented themselves either within the first few days - or even
later down the road. I wonder why the vets who see these dogs don't report what
they are seeing to the officials? Perhaps alot of them do not realize anything
about mills
"A few people
even approached us and told us that "so and so" had bought a puppy
from a mill and what problems and illnesses they ended up with. All in all, it
wasn't a bad turnout. If the weather had been a little nicer, I feel we would
have done better. But, one person can inform lots of others, so, even the small
amount of people that we had here can make a major difference."
Bear's Story 
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