in the January 2009 issue of
Milwaukee Magazine, Senior Editor Mary Van de Kamp Nohl wrote an
excellent expose titled PUPPY HELL. This expose dug deep into
Wisconsin's puppy mill industry and why we we felt we MUST act to help the
shared this article with each and every member of the WI state Assembly and
Senate to let them know what was really going in in their state. We feel that
the article was an extremely valuable tool in the unanimous passage of AB-250 /
SB-208, the Wisconsin Dog Breeders and Sellers Acts (now WI Act 90/ S.173.41,
Wis. Stats.)
We are
still VERY grateful to Milwaukee Magazine for researching and publishing
this outstanding piece.
If you
are unable to find a copy of this issue,
you can read the article online here.
reading the article, please also feel free to thank Ms. Nohl and Milwaukee
Magazine for helping to educate the people (and legislators) of Wisconsin about
puppy mills right here in our state, and for their help in getting the new law
passed. Contact information can be found on Milwaukee Magazine's Website (or click
"Puppy Hell" 
Thank the