Reddy the miniature pinscher
was just over 6 months old when purchased at the Thorp Dog Auction. He's a cute
little guy, though he wasn't quite sure what was going on when he found himself
in the vet's exam room with a warm, soft towel under him and people telling him
how handsome he is.
At the auction, it's reported
that Reddy held himself upright very stiffly, with both front legs extended and
toes curled inward. Part of that was fear, and part was because his toenails
were so long that he couldn't walk. He'd obviously never been out of his
After his purchase, he ran and
cowered in the back of his crate if anyone came near him. "Just being
around humans who pet and talk to them in a kind way, they don't know how to
behave," explained a rescuer.
Aside from his psychological
problems and painfully long toenails, Reddy was sold with an eye infection
(conjunctivitis), and avanced tooth decay.
His physical problems are
being treated with medication. His emotional problems are being treated with
For more information on
rehabilitating puppy mill survivors, please see:
Puppy Mill Survivors: A Guide to
Caring for Unsocialized Mill Dogs .
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