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DeerThe annual WCC/DNR Sprng Hearing Citizen Resolution process for 2025 is now active. Citizen resolutions will be accepted through Feb. 24, 2025.

     What is the citizen resolution process? Every year, the public has the opportunity to bring new conservation issues of statewide significance to the attention of the Conservation Congress through the citizen resolution process. Resolutions must meet the following criteria:

1. The concern must be of statewide impact.

2. The concern must be practical, achievable and reasonable.

3. The concern must be within the mission and vision of the WCC.

4. The resolution must have a concise title and specifically define the concern.

5. Current state statutes and laws must be considered, with reasonable cause for change being presented.

6. The resolution must clearly suggest a solution to the concern and a description of further action desired.

7. Resolutions must be 2000 characters or less, exclusive of the title and author contact information.

8. The author's name, mailing address, county, email address, telephone and number are required with the resolution.

9. An individual may introduce no more than two resolutions per year.

10. The author of the resolution or designee must be available to present their reviewed and approved resolution at their local county Spring Hearings on Monday, April 14, 2025 between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm.

     Those interested in submitting a resolution are encouraged to reach out to the resolution review committee or their WCC County Chair for guidance in drafting a resolution.

     At the close of the submission process, the resolutions will be reviewed by a committee of WCC delegates to ensure they meet the criteria for inclusion and will be prepared for the online input.

 pawprint bullet point   WCC Resolution Process   pawprint bullet point   2025 Citizen Resolution Submittal Form:   pawprint bullet point

 pawprint bullet point   Resolution Submittal FAQ   pawprint bullet point   Resolution Review Committee   pawprint bullet point

 pawprint bullet point   Contacts for Resolution Writing Assistance   pawprint bullet point


     A Wisconsin wolfThe Wisconsin Conservation Congress (WCC) and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will once again offer their annual opportunity for the public to provide input on a variety of natural resource-related questions with in-person meetings in each county on April 14, 2025, at 6 p.m. and the annual online survey starting at 6 pm April 14 and running until noon on April 16, 2025. We'll have info links for you as soon as they are available.

 pawprint bullet point   DNR/ WCC Spring Hearing   pawprint bullet point

     The Wisconsin Conservation Congress is the only statutory body in the state where the public elects delegates to advise the Natural Resources Board and the DNR on responsibly managing Wisconsin's natural resources for present and future generations. The WCC will hold elections for their delegates at each of the in-person hearings. Two of the five WCC seats will be up for election in each county. For those who would like to become more involved for wildlife in Wisconsin -- did you realize that ANYONE can run for election as a Wisconsin Conservation Congress Delegate? (Learn more about the WCC and how to become involved in resource management decisions on the Wisconsin Conservation Congress webpage.)

 pawprint bullet point   WCC Spring Hearing Locations   pawprint bullet point   WCC Spring Hearing Agenda   pawprint bullet point

 pawprint bullet point   WCC Delegate Election Process   pawprint bullet point

     This is also the annual opportunity for EVERYONE in Wisconsin to weigh in and voice opinions on WI wildlife and outdoor issues by responding to natural resource-related questions and proposed rule changes. In addition, the public will have the opportunity to weigh in on new conservation issues of statewide significance that were brought to the attention of the Conservation Congress through the citizen resolution process prior to Feb. 24. This year’s online questionnaire will kick off at 6 pm on Monday, April 14, and will close at 6 pm on Wednesday, April 16. We'll have a link available for you as soon as we get one.

     What is the citizen resolution process? Every year, the public has the opportunity to bring new conservation issues of statewide significance to the attention of the Conservation Congress through the citizen resolution process. Resolutions must meet the following criteria:  The concern must be of statewide impact;  the concern must be practical, achievable and reasonable; and  the concern must be within the mission and vision of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress.

     At the close of the submission process, the resolutions will be reviewed by a committee of WCC delegates to ensure they meet the criteria for inclusion and will be prepared for the online input.

 pawprint bullet point   WCC Resolution Process   pawprint bullet point   2025 Citizen Resolution Submittal Form:   pawprint bullet point

 pawprint bullet point   Resolution Submittal FAQ   pawprint bullet point   Resolution Review Committee   pawprint bullet point

 pawprint bullet point   Contacts for Resolution Writing Assistance   pawprint bullet point

Just for reference, here are links to the 2024 Spring Hearing Citizen Resolution Results:

 pawprint bullet point  2024 Results by County    pawprint bullet point   2024 Results by Title   pawprint bullet point

     The Wisconsin Conservation Congress is the only statutory body in the state where the public elects delegates to advise the Natural Resources Board and the DNR on responsibly managing Wisconsin's natural resources for present and future generations. Learn more about the WCC and how to become involved in resource management decisions on the Wisconsin Conservation Congress webpage.

 pawprint bullet point   DNR/ WCC Spring Hearing   

 pawprint bullet point   WI Conservation Congress page   pawprint bullet point


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P.O. Box 926    *    Sheboygan, WI 53082-0926   *

Wolf Photo Copyright © Jayne Belsky

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