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Updated 25 June 2009


Thyme and Sage Ranch: Overview   *   In Depth: Thyme and Sage Ranch

Operation Freedom 200   *     Criminal Complaint against Jennifer Petkus (pdf)


Update, 15 June 2009: The court case has been delayed until July 15th. That is NOT good news for the approx. 70 animals being "held" as evidence...or for the organizations having to do the work to hold them. Please consider donating to Dane County Humane Society to help them out as they continue to shelter the dogs whose lives hang in the balance on the outcome of this case.

Note: Jennifer Petkus has been allowed to keep 10 dogs of her choice.

One of the dogs confiscated from Thyme and Sage Ranch.     On Friday, 29 May 2009, Jennifer Petkus signed over approximately 200 dogs to the Dane County Humane Society. That weekend, Operation Freedom 200, Wiconsin Federated Humane Society's plan to transport the dogs from their temporary quarters at DCHS to humane societies and animal shelters throughout Wisconsin, was put into action.

     Volunteer transport drivers for took dogs to fourteen pre-arranged shelters:

     Please check the websites above for more information on the dogs and adoption procedures.

     Meanwhile, over 70 dogs still remain at Dane County Humane Society. Some are being held as part of the on-going case against Ms. Petkus that may include felony animal abuse charges.

       Donations are greatly needed by all participating shelters to help cover the costs for on-going treatment, grooming, rehabilitation, and sheltering, as well as to continue with their normal day-to-day operations.. You can donate directly to the shelters through the individual websites listed above, or to the emergency fund that Wisconsin Federated Humane Societies has started for all shelters involved:

Animal Care Emergency Fund
c/o WFHS
N115 Two Mile Road
Appleton, WI     54914

Background on the Thyme and Sage Ranch Investigation:

 pawprint bullet point   Thyme and Sage Ranch Investigation Introduction   pawprint bullet point

 pawprint bullet point   Thyme and Sage Ranch: Overview   pawprint bullet point

 pawprint bullet point   In Depth: Personal Stories About Thyme and Sage Ranch   pawprint bullet point

 pawprint bullet point   Operation Freedom 200   pawprint bullet point

 pawprint bullet point    Criminal Complaint against Jennifer Petkus (pdf)   pawprint bullet point

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P.O. Box 926    *    Sheboygan, WI 53082-0926   *

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