June 2008, I stumbled upon Silver Lining Kennel while driving on the roads less
traveled in Dunn Co WI. A prominent sign caught my eye: "PUPS -
BOARDING." I thought I might take the opportunity to snap some photos and
video for my granddaughters.
As of 27 September 2011, Silver Lining Kennel and Pic-A-Pet
Plus pet stores now also hold Wisconsin license number 268586-DS and have
upgraded to become compliant with the minimum Standards of Care specified by
Act 90/s.173.41 - WI Dog Sellers Program. These
photos and commentary are from June 2008, prior to the passage of Wisconsin Act
90/s.173.41, when Silver Linings was regulated only by the USDA.
A Silver Lining Awakening 
Dog Breeders and Sellers Law, DATCP
FILE A COMPLAINT Against a Wisconsin Dog
USDA/APHIS Animal Welfare "home" page
