2007: The "Wisconsin Dog Purchaser Protection Act," was introduced in
the WI legislature and marketed as the answer to Wisconsin's puppy mill
problems. Perhaps it was rightly titled as it appeared to be more a consumer
protection bill than one that would help end the misery, suffering, abuse and
neglect of animals in Wisconsin's Puppy Mills.
Wisconsin Puppy Mill Project
Wisconsin Federated Humane Societies
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP)
The Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association
Alliance of Wisconsin Animal Rehoming Efforts (AWARE)
Alliance for Animals
Animal Law Associates of Wisconsin
ALL strongly OPPOSED this bill.
Even with the
amendments that addressed some of our concerns, we DID NOT believe they would
end the abuse, neglect and cruelty the animals suffer in Wisconsin's "pet
industry." We also felt the lemon law aspects of the bills were
unrealistic and misguided.
advisors studied the bills and the consensus was that the legislation was
inherently flawed, even with the amendments.
Sen. Plale introduced the "Wisconsin Dog Purchaser Protection Act" to
the Senate on 2 November 07, and it is became known as SB-308. Senators
cosponsoring the bill were: Tim Carpenter, Robert Cowles, Pat Kreitlow, Julie
Lassa, Mary Lazich, John Lehman, Luther Olsen, Fred Risser, Carol Roessler, Jim
Sullivan, and Robert Wirch.
23 January 2008, SB 308 was passed out of Senate Committee by a vote of 3-2
(three of the committee members were bill co-sponsors). On 29 January, it was
referred on to the Joint Committee on Finance. No further action was taken.
Lothian introduced virtually identical legislation to the Assembly on 6
November, where it was assigned the designation AB-567. Cosponsors in the
Assembly were: Sheryl Albers, Terese Berceau, Garey Bies, Spencer Black, David
Cullen, Tamara Grigsby, Eugene Hahn, Gary Hebl, Andy Jorgensen, Dean Kaufert,
Samantha Kerkman, Scott Newcomer, Jim Ott, Don Pridemore, and Karl Van Roy.
made it as far as the committee on Consumer Protection and Personal Privacy in
the Assembly, but was never scheduled for a committee hearing. Five of the nine
members of this committee were authors or co-sponsors.
History, AB 567 History, SB 308 (pdf)
Please note:
without consulting anyone in the WI humane community, the ASPCA issued an alert
to support this legislation.
Click here for more on the ASPCA alert and why we asked you to
ignore it. 
legislators are working on this issue with a separate bill that we feel has
more promise to truly address the CRUELTY, SUFFERING and ABUSE in this
industry. Ask your legislators to stand by for a bill that will SOLVE the
PROBLEM, not be a band aid on a hemorrhage!